Bernard Maybeck designed the original clubhouse, considered one of the finest Arts and Crafts buildings in the Bay Area. In 1975 the clubhouse was one of the first landmarks designated by the City of Berkeley as a rare and outstanding example of Maybeck’s early work. The clubhouse reveals Maybeck’s affinity for an expressive use of natural materials and inventive structural elements.
Although there have been changes and additions over the years, Maybeck’s signature remains in the whimsical brackets outside at the eaves, the open trusses in the hall upstairs, and the slanted posts in the tea room.
This treasure of a building has been our meeting place since 1899, the site of our annual theatrical productions, and of weddings, memorial services, and commemorative events for members and the community at large.
The clear heart redwood that Maybeck chose for our clubhouse seems to have given us just that—a clear heart, a warm center of friendship and civility.
--Sally Small

For over 120 years, Town & Gown has been housed in our magnificent redwood shingled building.